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Maestro Pasido Domingo visited Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Centre

21 February 2008

Maestro Pasido Domingo visited Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Centre on February 21st, 2008. He is one of the greatest musicians of our times and a very good friend of Galina Vishnevskaya.

Plasido Domingo and Galina Vishnevskaya performed together on the best opera venues of the world. For the recent years he has been very much interested in the Opera school that Galina Visahnevskaya opened in Moscow for young opera singers.

Maestro Domingo came to the centre with conductor Eugene Kohn and soprano Elise Perez. Together they will participate in the concert at the Moscow Kremlin in February 23.

The Tsar’s Bride performance at the Centre has just finished and Maestro Domingo met with students of the Opera Centre and listened to the leading singers of the centre Anastasia Privoznova, Alina Shakirova, Kostantin Purilkin, Sergei Plusnin, and Alexei Tikhomirov. As a result of this improvised audition Sergei Plusnin, nominee of the Lisician Competition of Young Baritones, was invited to participate in the International Competition of Young Performers
Operalia. Maestro
Plasido Domingo organizes this competition every year. This year it will take place in Quebec (Canada).