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The soloists of the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Centre participated in the Third International Festival ‘Peregrinos Musicales’ (Spain)

26 September 2013

September 24 and September 26, 2013 the soloists of the Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Centre participated in the Third International Festival ‘Peregrinos Musicales’, which is annually held in Spain, in the ancient city of Santiago de Compostela, Vigo and La Estrada, and is organized by the Peregrinos Association in co-operation with the Royal Philharmonic of Galicia, the Government of Galicia, Santiago and Vigo town halls and other public and cultural institutions.

The festival was established to support young talents, which, as its organizers hope, will soon grow into major musicians. This concept of the ‘Peregrinos Musicales’ fits the idea of the Young Opera Singers Sessions by the Opera Centre, which the Centre has been carrying on for three years jointly with young opera singers programmes and festivals of other countries.

Last season, a concert by the grant-holders of the Mstislav Rostropovich Foundation, dedicated to the great musician, was held. This year, apart from the Foundation grant-holders, the festival also features the leading soloists of the Centre Inna Zvenyatskaya, Lyubov Molina, Alexander Kasyanov and Alexander Aliev, who performed on September 24 at the Cultural Centre of the city of Vigo and on September 26 at the Teatro Principal in Santiago de Compostela. The Galician audience welcomed warmly and enthusiastically the soloists of the Centre, who became the first opera artists participating in the festival, since previously the ‘Peregrinos Musicales’ involved only instrumentalists.